Participants: G. L. Pesce - M. Cobolli - B. Cicolani - D. P. Galassi - G. Pannunzio - P. De Laurentiis - A. Di Sabatino - M. Salvatori - A. Colella - C. Marsili - B. Nissi.

Financial Supports: M.U.R.S.T. 40%, 60%, C.N.R., Abruzzo Region, Consorzio "Gran Sasso", L'Aquila.

Collaborations: V. Cottarelli (University "La Tuscia", Viterbo) - R. Argano (University "La Sapienza", Rome) - E. De Matthaeis (University "La Sapienza", Rome) - V. Sbordoni (University "Tor Vergata", Rome) - C. Plesa (Institute of Speleology "E. Racovitza", Bucarest, Romania) - A. Apostolov (Institute RIBNA, Bulgaria) - G. Messana (Centro di Sudio per la Faunistica ed Ecologia Tropicali, C.N.R., Firenze) - G. Silverii (CADE - Centre d'Aide au Development et a la Protection de l'Environment, Burundi) - "Gruppo Speleologico Salentino P. De Lorentiis" - "Gruppo Speleologico Neretino" - "Commissione Nazionale Speleosub C.N.S.A.S." -T. Karanovic and I. Karanovic - Western Australian Museum., Perth-Australia.

Structure and dynamics of groundwater communities with particular reference to the "border situation" between the superficial water and the deeper groundwater. Population genetics. Biodiversity in cave, phreatic, hyporheic and krenal environments.

Systematics, taxonomy, population dynamics, biogeography and phylogeny of stygobitic crustaceans (cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods, amphipods, thermosbaenaceans, isopods, mysids), and water mites.

Future goals of the research: development of methods allowing to get comprehensive idea of the stygobitic taxa dealing with pollution and self-purification of ground waters; environmental control; development of more general, both practical and theoretical, problems related to groundwater biology;review of Stenasellid Isopods.

Selected References

(1)PESCE G. L., 1976. A new locality for Spelaeomysis bottazzii with redescription of the species (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Boll. Mus. Civ. St. Nat.Verona, 2: 345-354.
(2)PESCE G.L., 1976. On the status of the genus Spelaeomysis Caroli (Crustacea: Mysidacea). Acta Ecol. Iran., Even, Iran, 1:32-34.
(3)PESCE G.L., D. MAGGI, 1977. Un nouveau Cyclopide des eaux souterraines phreatiques de Grece: Acanthocyclops (Megacyclops) dussarti n.sp. (Crustacea, Copepoda). Vie et Milieu, Paris,Francia, 27(1), ser.C:77-82.
(4)PESCE G.L., P.TETE', 1977/78 Un nouveau Microparasellide des eaux souterraines phreatiques del'Italie: Microcharon arganoi n.sp.(Crustacea, Copepoda).Contribution a la connaissance de la faune des eaux souterraines de l'Italie centrale et meridionale:IX. Int. J. Speleol., Amsterdam, Olanda, 9:115-123.
(5)PESCE G.L., P.TETE', 1978. Microparasellides d'Algerie (Crustacea:Isopoda). Recherches en Afrique de l'Institut de Zoologie de L'Aquila (Italie). Rev. Zool. Afr., Tervuren, Belgio, 92(4): 992-1002.
(6)PESCE G. L., 1978. The occurrence of Metacyclops subdolus Kiefer (Crustacea: Copepoda) in subterranean waters of Greece, with remarks on its systematic status. Int. J. Speleol., Amsterdam, Olanda,10(2):179-183.
(7)PESCE G.L., D. MAGGI, A.CIOCCA, R. ARGANO, 1978. Biological researches on the subterranean phreatic waters of northern Greece. Ir. Symp. Int. Zoogeogr. Ecol. Grece et regions avoisinantes, Athens, 1978. Biol. Gallo-Hell., Toulouse, France, 8: 109-126.
(8)SBORDONI V., G. L. PESCE, R. COLOGNOLA, G. FUSACCHIA, 1978. Differenziamento genetico tra popolazioni di Spelaeomysis bottazzii (Crustacea, Mysidacea). XX Conv. Naz. S.I.B., Verona-Costagrande,1978, pp.85-86.
(9)PESCE G.L., 1978/79. A new Cyclopid from subterranean phreatic waters of Greece: Acanthocyclops (Acanthocyclops) cephallenus n.sp. (Crustacea:Copepoda). Vie et Milieu, Paris, France, 28-29(1), ser. C: 72-82.
(10)PESCE G.L., 1978/79. The first microparasellid from subterranean waters of Iran, Microcharon raffaellae n.sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda). Vie et Milieu, Paris, Francia, 28-29(2),ser.C: 237-245.
(11)PESCE G.L., B.CICOLANI, 1979. Variation of some diagnostic characters in Spelaeomysis bottazzii Caroli (Mysidacea). Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda, 36 (1): 74-80.
(12)PESCE G.L., 1979. A new subterranean crustacean from southern Italy: Metahadzia adriatica n.sp., with notes on Hadzia minuta Ruffo (Amphipoda, Gammaridae).Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XI. Bijdr. Dierk., Amsterdam,Olanda,49 (1): 102-108.
(13)ARGANO R., G.L.PESCE, 1979. Microparasellids from phreatic waters of Greece (Isopoda: Asellota). Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda,37(2):173-183.
(14)PESCE G. L., D. MAGGI, 1979. Cyclopides des eaux souterraines phreatiques de la region des Marche, Italie centrale (Crustacea: Copepoda). Contribution a la connaisance de la faune des eaux souterraines de l'Italie centrale et meridionale: V. Acta nat., Skopje, Yugoslavia, 15 (8): 167-193.
(15)PESCE G.L., 1980. A new subterranean amphipod from Cephalonia, Greece, and taxonomic status of Metahadzia Stock 1977 (Crustacea: Gammaridae). Senck. Biol., Frankfurt a.M., Germania, 60: 71-276.
(16)PESCE G.L., 1980. Bogidiella aprutina n.sp., a new subterranean amphipod from phreatic waters of central Italy. Contribution to the knowledge of the ground water fauna in central and southern Italy:X. Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda, 38 (2): 139-144.
(17)ARGANO R., G. L. PESCE, 1980. A cirolanid from subterranean waters of Turkey (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera). Rev.Suisse Zool., Geneve, Svizzera, 87 (2): 439-444.
(18)PESCE G. L., R. ARGANO, 1980. Nouvelles donnes sur les asellides de la Grece continentale et insulaire (Crustacea, Isopoda). Bull.Zool. Mus.Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda,7 (5): 49-59.
(19)PESCE G.L., 1980. Two new species of phreatic harpacticoids from Iran (Crustacea: Copepoda). Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda, 50 (2): 364-368.
(20)KARAMAN G. S., G. L. PESCE, 1980. On three subterranean amphipods from north Africa. Researches in Africa by the Zoological Institute of L'Aquila. V. Bull. Mus. Zool. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda, 7 (20): 197-207.
(21)PESCE G. L., 1980. The occurrence of Diacyclops antrincola Kiefer (Crustacea, Copepoda) in subterranean waters of Turkey, and remarks on its variability and distribution. Comm. Fac. Sc. Univ. Ankara, Turchia, ser.C, zool., 24:1-6.
(22)PESCEG.L. and T. K.PETKOVSKI, 1980.Parapseudoleptomesochra italica n.sp., a new harpacticoid from subterranean waters of Italy (Crustacea Copepoda: Ameiridae). Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XVI. Frag. Balc. Mus. Mac. sc.nat. Skopje, Yugoslavia,11 (5): 33-42.
(23)PESCE G. L., 1981. A new phreatic Bogidiella from subterranean waters of Sardinia (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae). Rev.Suisse Zool., Geneve, Svizzera, 88 (1): 157-162.
(24)PESCE G. L., 1981. Microcharon ullae n.sp., a microparasellid from subterranean waters of Rhodes, Greece (Isopoda: Asellota). Frag.Balc. Mus., Skopje, Yugoslavia, 11( 7): 57-62.
(25)PESCE G. L., 1981. Subterranean phreatic biocoenoses of north western Iran. Proc. 8th. Congr. Speleol., Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA, 18-24 luglio 1981, 2: 566-567.
(26)PESCE G. L., D. MAGGI, 1981. Cyclopides et Calanoides des eaux phreatiques de la Grece meridionale et insulaire (Crustacea: Copepoda). Ecol. Mediterranea, Masson, Paris, Francia, 7 (1): 163-182.
(27)PESCE G. L., R. ARGANO, 1981. Stenasellidi del sud-est asiatico: Stenasellus brignolii n.sp. di Thailandia (Crustacea Isopoda; Asellota). Ricerche nell'Asia sudorientale. II. Boll. nat., Verona, 8: 435-441.
(28)PESCE G. L., 1981. Some harpacticoids from subterranean waters of Greece (Crustacea: Copepoda). Boll. Zool., Modena, 48: 263-276.
(29)PESCE G. L., 1982. A new Harpacticoid from phreatic waters of Morocco, and remarks on the genus Praeleptomesochra Lang (Crustacea Copepoda: Ameiridae). Researches in Africa by the Zoological Institute of L'Aquila.VII. Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda,8 (9): 69-72.
(30)PESCE G. L., D. MAGGI, 1982. Diacyclops iranicus n.sp., a phreatic cyclopid from subterranean waters of Iran (Crustacea:Copepoda). Rev.Suisse zool., Geneve, Svizzera, 89 (1): 177- 181.
(31)DE MATTHAEIS E., R. COLOGNOLA, M. COBOLLI-SBORDONI, G. L. PESCE, V. SBORDONI, 1982. Divergenza genetica tra popolazioni di Spelaeomysis bottazzii Caroli (Crustacea, Mysidacea) della regione pugliese. Lav. Soc. It. Biogeogr., Bologna, nuova serie, 7: 841-845.
(32)PESCE G. L., 1982. A new Nitocrella Chappuis 1923 from phreatic waters of Skyros island, Greece (Crustacea Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Senckenb. Biol., Frankfurt a. Main, Germania, 62 (4/6): 399-403.
(33)DE MATTHAEIS E., R. COLOGNOLA, V. SBORDONI, COBOLLI-SBORDONI M., PESCE G. L., 1982. Genetic differentiation and variability in cave dwelling and brackish water populations of Mysidacea (Crustacea).Z. zool., Syst. Evolut.-forsch., Hamburg und Berlin, Germania, 20: 198-208.
(34)PESCE G. L., 1983. A new Nitocrella from phreatic subterranean waters of Rhodes, Greece (Crustacea Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Rev.Suisse zool., Geneve, Svizzera, 90 (2): 263- 270.
(35)PESCE G. L., 1983. A revised key to the Nitocrella species of the "hirta" group, including the description of a new species from phreatic waters of Lesbos, Greece (Copepoda Harpacticoida: Ameiridae). Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda, 9 (12): 109-113.
(36)PESCE G. L., R. LATTINGER, 1983. A new cyclopid copepod from hyporheic waters of Yugoslavia: Acanthocyclops (Acanthocyclops) petkovskii n.sp. (Crustacea: Copepoda). Riv. Idrobiol., Perugia, 22 (1): 59-65.
(37)PESCE G. L., R. PACE, 1984. Thermocyclops oblongatus (Sars) (Crustacea: Copepoda): a new cyclopid for the fauna of India, and zoogeography of the species. Proc. Ind.natn. sc. Acad., New Dehli, India, 50 (2): 133-138.
(38)PESCE G. L., 1984/85. New records for Salentinella Ruffo (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from phreatic waters of western Italy and Greece. Int. J. Speleol., Roma, 14: 19-29.
(39)PESCE G. L., 1984. Nitocrella morettii n.sp. from phreatic waters of central Italy, and up- to-date key to the species of Nitocrella sensu Petkovski (Crustacea Harpacticoida: Ameiridae): Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXVII. Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda, 10 (4): 21-24.
(40)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1985. A new cyclopid from groundwater of south Italy: Diacyclops bicuspidatus lucanus n. ssp. (Crustacea: Copepoda). Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXIX. Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda, 10:41-44.
(41)PESCE G. L., 1985. A new harpacticoid from phreatic waters of Lesbos, Greece, and notes on the "Rassenkreise" of Elaphoidella elaphoides Chappuis (Copepoda:Canthocamptidae). Rev.Suisse zool., Geneve, Svizzera, 923): 606-612.
(42)PESCE G. L., 1985. The groundwater fauna of Italy: a synthesis. Stygologia, Leiden, Olanda, 1 (2): 129-159.
(43)PESCE G. L., 1985. Some remarks on the stygofauna of Greece. Biol. Gallo-Hell., Toulouse, Francia, 10: 103-112.
(44)PESCE G. L., A. APOSTOLOV, 1985. Elaphoidella margaritae n.sp., a new phreatobitic harpacticoid from subterranean waters of Thailand (Crustacea, Copepoda, Canthocamptidae). Acta zool. bulgarica, Sofia, Bulgaria, 28:70-75.
(45)PESCE G. L., 1985. Amsterdam expeditions to the West Indian Islands. Report 45. Cyclopids (Crustacea: Copepoda) from West Indian groundwater habitats. Bijdr. Dierk., Amsterdam, Olanda, 55 (2): 295-323.
(46)PESCE G. L., 1985. Stygobiological researches in subterranean waters of Lesbos (Greece)and description of Stygonitocrella petkovskii n.sp. (Crustacea Copepoda:Ameiridae). Researches on groundwater fauna of Greece and Balkan Peninsula by the "Istituto di Scienze Ambientali", University of L'Aquila (Italy). Frag. Balc. Mus. sc. nat., Skopje, Yugoslavia, 12 (12): 125-139.
(47)PESCE G. L., R. ARGANO, 1985. Un nuovo Proasellus stigobionte dell'Umbria (Crustacea Isopoda: Asellota). Contributo alla conoscenza della fauna delle acque sotterranee dell'Italia centro-meridionale:XXXI. Boll. Mus.Civ. st. nat., Verona, 12: 79-84.
(48)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1985. Due nuovi Diacyclops del complesso "languidoides" (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) di acque sotterranee di Sardegna e considerazioni sul significato evolutivo dell'antenna nei copepodi stigobionti. Boll. Mus. Civ. st. nat., Verona,12: 11-418.
(49)PESCE G L. and D. P. GALASSI, 1986. A new species of Elaphoidella from groundwaters of Sardinia, and first record of Elaphoidella cvetkae Petkovski from Italy (Crustacea: Harpacticoida). Bull. Mus. Zool. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda, 10 (27): 221-225.
(50)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1986. Taxonomic and phylogenetic value of the armature of coxa and antenna in stygobiont cyclopoid copepods. Atti Conv. U.Z.I., Roma, 1986, Boll. Zool., Modena, 53,suppl., 58.
(51)APOSTOLOV A., G. L.PESCE, 1987. Un Harpacticoide nouveau des eaux souterraines phreatiques de l'Italie: Schizopera lindae n.sp. (Crustacea Copepoda: Diosaccidae). Contribution a la connaissance de la faune des eaux souterraines de l'Italie centrale et meridionale: XIX. Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda, 52 (3): 298-302.
(52)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1987. Discovery of the first representative of the genus Neocylops Gurney (Crustacea Copepoda: Halicyclopinae) in groundwater of Italy. Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXXV. Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda, 52 (2): 209-212.
(53)PESCE G. L., D. P.GALASSI, 1987. New or rare species of Diacyclops Kiefer, 1927 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from different groundwater habitats in Italy. Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXXVIII. Hydrobiologia, Ghent, Belgio, 148: 103-114.
(54)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, A. APOSTOLOV, 1987. The genus Elaphoidella Chappuis (Copepoda: Harpacticoida)in Italy, including the description of five new species. Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXXIX. Boll. Zool.,Modena, 54: 177-185.
(55)PESCE G. L., 1987. A new species of Schizopera Sars 1905 from groundwaters of Sicily, Italy (Crustacea Copepoda: Diosaccidae). Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXXII. Senck. Biol., Frankfurt a. Main, 68 (4/6): 413- 417.
(56)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1986. Nitocrella stochi n.sp., from groundwaters of Venezia Giulia, Italy (Crustacea Copepoda: Ameiridae). Atti Mus. Civ. st. nat., Trieste.39 (3): 159-162.
(57)GALASSI D. P., G. L. PESCE, 1987. New localities of Elaphoidella nuragica with a description of the female (Copepoda Harpacticoida: Canthocamptidae). Boll. Mus. Civ. st. nat., Verona., 14: 311-314.
(58)GALASSI D.P. and G.L.PESCE, 1988. Schizopera(Schizopera) cicolanii n.sp., from brackish waters of Apulia, south Italy (Crustacea Copepoda: Diosaccidae). Bull. Mus. Zool. Univ., Amsterdam,Olanda,11 (17): 145-148.
(59)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, V. COTTARELLI, 1988. First representatives of the family Parastenocarididae from Sicily (Italy), and description of two new species of Parastenocaris Kessler (Crustacea Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Contribution to the knowledge of the groundwater fauna in central and southern Italy: XLII. Bull. Mus. Zool. Univ. Amsterdam, Olanda,11 (16): 137-144.
(60)PESCE G. L., D.P.GALASSI, 1988. The genus Microcharon Karaman in Italy: an update and description of three new species (Crustacea Isopoda: Microparasellidae). Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy:XLI. Stygologia, Leiden, Olanda,4 (3): 249-261.
(61)PESCE G. L., D. P.GALASSI, 1988. Elaphoidella federicae spec.nov., a new harpacticoid copepod from phreatic waters of Corsica (Crustacea Harpacticoida: Canthocamptidae). Stygologia, Leiden, Olanda, 4 (3): 262-266.
(62)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1989. Groundwater Crustaceans of Spain: 11. Microparasellids of Spain (Crustacea Isopoda: Janiroidea). Stygologia, Leiden, Olanda, 4 (4): 307- 331.
(63)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI, 1990. First record of the family Microparasellidae in Turkey, and description of two new species of the genus Microcharon Karaman (Crustacea Isopoda: Janiroidea). Stygologia, Leiden, Olanda, 5 (3): 173-181.
(64)APOSTOLOV A., G. L. PESCE, 1990. Harpacticoides stygobies de Bulgarie. Riv. Idrobiol., Perugia, 28 (1-2): 113-149.
(65)GALASSI D. P., G. L. PESCE, 1990. Elaphoidella mabelae n.sp., a new crenobiont harpacticoid from Abruzzo (Central Italy) (Crustacea Copepoda: Canthocamptidae). Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda, 60 (1): 1-6.
(66)APOSTOLOV A., G. L. PESCE, 1991. Copepodes Harpacticoides cavernicoles de Bulgarie. 4. Bryocamptus (Bryocamptus) aberrans n.sp., un nouveaux harpacticoide stygobie du Nord-Ouest de Bulgarie (Crustacea: Copepoda). Riv. Idrobiol., Perugia, 30 (2-3): 297-301.
(67)GALASSI D. P. and G. L. PESCE (1992). The genus Hesperocyclops Herbst: an update and description of Hesperocyclops venezuelanus n.sp. from Venezuela (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). Stygologia, 8. Le Hague, Olanda, 7 (4): 219-224.
(68)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI and F. STOCH, 1994. Primo rinvenimento del genere Maraenobiotus Mrazek in Italia (Crustacea Copepoda: Canthocamptidae). Contributo alla conoscenza della fauna delle acque sotterranee dell'Italia centro-meridionale:XLV. Frag. Entomol., Roma, 25 (2): 11-173.
(69)PESCE G. L. and D. P. GALASSI, 1993. The genus Neocyclops Gurney in the West Indies: an update and description of Neocyclops (Protoneocyclops) geltrudeae n.sp. (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). Bijdr. Dierk., Amsterdam, Olanda, 63 (2): 115-120.
(70)PESCE G. L., D. P. GALASSI and V. COTTARELLI, 1995. Parastenocaris lorenzae n.sp., and first record of Parastenocaris glacialis Noodt (Crustacea Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from Italy. Hydrobiologia, Ghent, Belgio, 107 (1-5).
(71)GALASSI D. P. and G. L. PESCE, 1994. Metacyclops geltrudeae n.sp., a new cyclopid from ground waters of Venezuela (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). Crustaceana, Leiden, Olanda, 67 (3): 284-287.
(72)GALASSI D. P. and G. L. PESCE (1994). The genus Microcharon Karaman (Isopoda: Janiroidea) in the Balkan Peninsula: an update. Com. Congr. Int. Biospeleol., Firenze, 1994.
(73)PESCE G. L., 1994. The genus Diacyclops Kiefer in Italy: a taxonomic, ecological and biogeographical up-date (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). "Arthropoda Selecta", Russian J. Arthropoda Res., Moscow,3 (3-4): 13-19.
(74)PESCE G. L. and P. DE LAURENTIIS (in press) First record of the genus Neoelaphoidella Apostolov from Italy, and description of Neoelaphoidella apostolovi n. sp. (Crustacea Copepoda: Canthocamptidae). Riv. Idrobiol.
(75)PESCE G. L., P. DE LAURENTIIS and W. F. Humphreys (in press). Copepods from ground waters of Western Australia. I. New cyclopids of the genera Metacyclops Kiefer and Mesocyclops G.O. Sars, and new records for Microcyclops varicans G.O. sars, 1863 and Apocyclops dengizicus (Lepechkine, 1900) (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). Rec. West. Austr. Mus.
(76)PESCE G. L., P. DE LAURENTIIS and W.F. HUMPHREYS. (in press). Copepods from ground watres of Western Australia. II. Halicyclops longifurcatus n. sp. and Halicyclops spinifer , from the North West Cape Peninsula (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). Rec. West. Austr. Mus.
(77)PESCE G. L. and P. DE LAURENTIIS. (in press). Copepods from ground waters of Western Australia. III: Diacyclops humphreysi n. sp. and comments on the Diacyclops crassicaudis-complex (Crustacea Copepoda: Cyclopidae). Crustaceana.
(78)PESCE G. L. and P. DE LAURENTIIS. (in press). Elaphoidella cottarellii n. sp., from interstitial of the Vomano river, Central Apennines, Italy, and comments on the genus Elaphoidella Chappuis (Crustacea Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Boll. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Verona.
(79)PESCE G. L. (in press). Towards a revision of Cyclopinae copepods. (Crustacea: Copepoda). Frag. Entom., Rome.
(80)ARGANO R. , V. COTTARELLI and G. L. PESCE,1994. Studies on Italian Groundwater Crustacean Biodiversity. Contribution to Animal Biology. Halocynthia ass.: 55-61.
(81)PESCE G. L. and D. P. GALASSI (1994). Elaphoidella plesai n.sp., from ground waters of Lower Austria (Crustacea Copepoda: Canthocamptidae). Ann. Limnol., Toulouse, 30 (1): 1-7.
(82)GALASSI D.P. (1991). Bryocamptus (Rheocamptus) typhlops (Mrazek 1893), arpacticoide nuovo per la fauna italiana (Crustacea Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona, 15: 273-277.
(83)GALASSI D. P. (1991). First record of Diacyclops hypnicola (Gurney, 1927) (Copepoda, Cyclopidae) from North America. Crustaceana, 60 (3): 319-321.
(84)GALASSI D. P. (1991). A new Microcharon Karaman, from hyporheic waters of Greece: Microcharon antonellae n. sp. (Crustacea Isopoda: Microparasellidae). Stygologia, 6 (4): 201-207.
(85)COTTARELLI V. and C. FORNIZ (1993). Due nuove specie di Nitocrellopsis Petkovski di acque freatiche delle isole di Kos e Tilos (Sporadi Meridionali) (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Frag. Entom., Roma, 24 (2):131-145
(86)COTTARELLI V., BRUNO M. C. and F. VENANZETTI (1994). First record in phreatic freshwater of harpacticoids belonging to the genus Arenopontia (Crustacea, Copepoda), and description of two new species. Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. "G. Doria", Genova, 90: 471-484.

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