[register number: 141 Pu; 40° 04' 56"N - 06°01' 56"E]


The "Buco dei Diavoli", also known as "Cunicolo dei Diavoli", together with the two other salentine anchialine caves "La Zinzulusa" and "L'Abisso" (Castromarina, Otranto, Lecce), is one of the most remarkable display of the South Italy karst.

The cave is located at Porto Badisco (Otranto, Lecce); its small entrance is situated at sea level, about 3 m from the sea coast.

Cave Mouth (photo by P.Negro)

Pool inside the Cave (photo by P.Negro)

The environmental conditions of the cave water are about the same of the two nominate caves, the biodiversity being not much high as compared to these caves. In fact, with the above cavities, the aquatic fauna of the "Grotta dei Diavoli" shares only the presence of the two mysids Spelaomysis bottazzii and Stygiomysis hydruntina, the remarkable decapod Typhlocaris salentina, the amphipodSalentinella gracillima, the ostracodPseudolimnocythere hypogaea and the copepods Metacyclops stammeri, Metacyclops subdolus and Esola spelaea. Other copepods living in the cave are the stygophilic Halicyclops rotundipes and Nitokra reducta which colonized the cave in more recent age directly from the sea.

The few terrestrial elements are represented by the isopods Porcellio laevis, Labyrinthasius graevei, Chaetophiloscia cellaria, the spiders Pholcus phalangioides, Tegenaria cfr. nemerosa, Tegenaria pagana, Steatoda grossa, the orthopter Troglophilus andreinii and the miriapods Lithobius piceus peregrinus and Scutigera coleopterata.


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Contributor: Gaetano Ciccarese

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