Type-species: Pterinopsyllus insignis (Brady, 1878) (syn. Cyclopella Claus, 1893; Lophophorus Brady & Robertson, 1876)

  • Pterinopsyllus egregius Giesbrecht, 1900 [Tirrenian Sea, Gulf of Neaples; marine]
  • Pterinopsyllus illgi Wilson, 1973 [Mexico, Tortugas; marine]
  • Pterinopsyllus illustris Giesbrecht, 1900 [Tirrenian Sea, Gulf of Neaples; marine]
  • Pterinopsyllus insignis (Brady, 1878) [Europe; marine coastal waters]
  • Pterinopsyllus insularis herbst, 1989 [Puerto Rico; marine coastal waters]
  • Pterinopsyllus stirpipes Humes, 1996

    WORLD KEY TO SPECIES IN: Herbst H-V. 1989. Neue marine Cyclopoida Gnathostoma (Crustacea, Copepoda) von Puerto Rico. Bijdr. tot Dierk., 59 (1): 43-61.


    Type-species: Pterinopsyllotus giesbrechti Wilson, 1973

  • Pterinopsyllotus giesbrechti Wilson, 1973 [Mexico, Florida; marine coastal waters]
  • Pterinopsyllotus illgi (Wilson M.S., 1973) (=Pterinopsyllus illgi Wilson M.S., 1973)
  • Pterinopsyllotus insularis (Herbst, 1989) (=Pterinopsyllus insularis Herbst, 1989)

    Lophophorus Brady & Robertson, 1876 syn. Lophophorus Brady, 1878; Cyclopella Claus, 1893 syn. Pterinopsyllus Brady, 1880; Lophophorus Brady, 1878 syn. Pterinopsyllus Brady, 1880.

    PSAMMOCYCLOPINIDAE Martinez Arbizu, 2001


    Type-species: Psammocyclopina hindley Wells, 1967

  • Psammocyclopina georgei Martinez Arbizu, 2001 [Magellan Region; marine]
  • Psammocyclopina hindley Wells, 1967 [Africa; marine coastal waters]

    METACYCLOPINA Lindberg, 1953

    Type-species: Metacyclopina harpacticoidea (Klie, 1949)

  • Metacyclopina brevisetosa Herbst, 1974 [Germany, Sylt island; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Metacyclopina harpacticoidea (Klie, 1949) [Germany; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Metacyclopina improvisa Herbst & Zo, 1981 [USA; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Metacyclopina roscoffensis Bozic, 1954 [France; marine coastal interstitial]

    HEMICYCLOPINIDAE Martinez Arbizu, 2001

    (CYCLOPINIDAE according to Karanovic, 2008)

    HEMICYCLOPINA Herbst, 1952 syn. (Glareolina Huys & Boxshall, 1990)

    Type-species: Hemicyclopina setifera (Herbst, 1952)

  • Hemicyclopina begoniae Martinez Arbizu, 2001
  • Hemicyclopina kliei Herbst, 1953
  • Hemicyclopina setifera (Herbst, 1952) [north Sea, Sylt island; marine]
  • Hemicyclopina martinezi Karanovic, 2008 [Australia; marine interstitial]

    GLAREOLINA Huys & Boxshall, 1990

    Type-species: Glareolina kliei (Herbst, 1953)

  • Glareolina kliei (Herbst, 1953) [Europe; marine costal waters]

    PROCYCLOPINA Herbst, 1955

    Type-species:Procyclopina polyarthra Herbst, 1955

  • Procyclopina feiticeira Lotufo, 1995 [Brazil; marine coastal waters] (=Heterocyclopina feiticeira (Lotufo, 1995)
  • Procyclopina maricopeba Lotufo, 1995 [Brazil; marine coastal waters]
  • Procyclopina polyarthra Herbst, 1955 [Brazil; marine coastal waters]
  • Procyclopina uguaipuku Lotufo, 1995 [Brazil; marine coastal waters] (= Heterocyclopina uguaipuku (Lotufo, 1995)
  • Procyclopina vietnamensis (Plesa, 1968)

    NEOCYCLOPINA Herbst, 1952

    Type-species: Neocyclopina reducta Herbst, 1952

  • Neocyclopina reducta Herbst, 1952 [north Sea, Amrum, Sylt islands; marine]
  • Neocyclopina rotundipes Kiefer, 1938 (syn. Halicyclops rotundipes rotundipes Kiefer, 1935)


    Type-species: Parapseudocyclopinodes dacunhai Lindberg, 1961

  • Parapseudocyclopinodes belgicae (Giesbrecht, 1902) (syn. Pseudocyclopina belgicae (Giesbrecht, 1902)
  • Parapseudocyclopinodes dacunhai Lindberg, 1961 [Portugal; marine]
  • Parapseudocyclopinodes neglecta (Herbst, 1952) [north Sea, Sylt island; marine]

    MONCHENKIELLA Martinez Arbizu, 2001

    Type-species: Monchenkiella lamellopinnata Martinez Arbizu, 2001

  • Monchenkiella lamellopinnata Martinez Arbizu (in press)


    Type-species: Pseudocyclopina belgicae (Giesbrecht, 1902)

    Pseudocyclopina, together with Cyclopinodes, Cyclopinoides, Cyclopicina and the recently described Smirnovipina, is one of the most primitive genus among cyclopinid copepods. According to Elwers et al. (2001), "phylogenetically the genus appears to be the sister-group of a taxon comprising Cyclopinopsis Smirnov, 1935 and Parapseudocyclopinodes Lindberg, 1961", the sister-group of all the three genera being the genus Cyclopinodes Wilson, 1932.

    The genus is characterized by free first pedigerous somite; exopod of the antenna represented by 2 or none setae; leg 2 with sexually dimorphic elements on exopod distal segment; female leg 5 with fused coxo-basis, bearing inner setae, exopod 1-segmented, bearing four elements; male leg 5 with fused protopodal elements, with or without inner seta; exopod 2-segmented bearing 2 and 5 elements respectively.

    The genus, firstly described by Giesbrecht (1902) to accomodate the species Cyclopina belgicae from the Isle of Pierre I (Antarctic), to date includes five described species, all from the Antarctic waters.

  • Pseudocyclopina belgicae (Giesbrecht, 1902) [Ross Sea, Antarctic]
  • Pseudocyclopina berndtreyi Elwers, Martinez Arbizu & Fiers, 2001 [Antarctic Sea]
  • Pseudocyclopina eddatreyae Elwers, Martinez Arbizu & Fiers, 2001 [Antarctic Sea]
  • Pseudocyclopina guentheri Elwers, Martinez Arbizu & Fiers, 2001 [Weddell Sea]
  • Pseudocyclopina phallusiae Hansen, 1923
  • Pseudocyclopina neglecta (Herbst, 1952)(syn.Parapseudocyclopinodes neglecta (Herbst, 1952)
  • Pseudocyclopina phallusiae (Hansen, 1923) (syn. Pararchinotodelphys phallusiae (Hansen, 1923)
  • Pseudocyclopina veitkoehlerae Elwers, Martinez Arbizu & Fiers, 2001 [Antarctic Sea]
  • Pseudocyclopina livingstoni Pesce & Pandourski, 2002 [Antarctic Sea, Livingston Island]

    Within the above species two groups can be pointed out, one including Pseudocyclopina berndtreyi, Pseudocyclopina eddatreyae and Pseudocyclopina veitkoehlerae, the other Pseudocyclopina belgicae, Pseudocyclopina livingstoni and Pseudocyclopina guentheri. The species in the first group differs from the others by numerous characteristics, viz. 2 setae representing the antennary exopodite (vs. no setae), long spinules on the lateral margins of the fifth legs tergite (vs. spinule absent), maxillipedal endopodite compact (vs. elongated), no modified setae on the antenna (vs. some setae modified).

    Thanks to P. Martinez Arbizu and F. Fiers for information and suggestions about the status of the genus and the new species from Antarctic and Weddell Sea.

    CYCLOPINODES Wilson, 1932

    Type-species: Cyclopinodes elegans (T. Scott, 1894)

  • Cyclopinodes barentsiana (Smirnov, 1931) (syn.Smirnovipina barentsiana (Smirnov, 1931)
  • Cyclopinodes belgicae Lindberg, 1953
  • Cyclopinodes elegans (T. Scott, 1894) [Europe; marine]
  • Cyclopinodes elongata (Scott T., 1894)
  • Cyclopinodes intermedia Lindberg, 1953
  • Cyclopinodes littoralis (Brady, 1872) (syn. Cyclopinoides littoralis (Brady, 1872)

    INCERTA SEDIS. Cyclopinodes pusilla (Sars, 1905)

    HETEROCYCLOPINA Plesa, 1968 *

    Type-species: Procyclopina (Heterocyclopina) vietnamensis Plesa, 1968

  • Procyclopina (Heterocyclopina) vietnamensis (Plesa, 1968) [Vietnam; marine]
  • Heterocyclopina plesai Karanovic, 2008 [Australia; marine interstitial]

    * could be synonym of Procyclopina Herbst, 1955 (Martinez Arbizu, in litt.)




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